Part 30: No Healing Allowed
Update 30: No Healing AllowedWelcome back, everyone. Today we're going to do some main plot stuff, but first let's check out some stuff Lector's unlocked for us.

Hmm, looks like I'm making a dent in this stuff. I wonder who all will get character bios and stuff?

Music: Dota!

Just chiming in to say that I love how Pamela introduces herself to strangers this way.

I'm glad that even in a plot-centric update I could still find a way to include at least one of the better NPCs. We love you, Pamela.
Okay, let's move on to the town of Duran...

Music: Eternal Ground

And just like that, the path to the tower is unlocked...

Predictably, this is the moment where everything starts shaking.

Music: Tower of No Return

Delsus approaches the huge crystal nearby.

Marietta does something, and...

...summons a boss. Yay?

This one isn't too bad. The lady is immune to physical damage, so I had Lita kill off her bird allies then swapper her for Delsus and Norn at various times.
Also, I don't remember if I mentioned this earlier, but Marietta's standard attack hits twice, one hit being physical and the other being magic/thunder damage, meaning she's able to do decent damage to just about anything except maybe the odd thunder based enemy. The magic portion is even decently potent, though still generally weaker due to Marietta's stat spread.

I also fired off Marietta's Thunder God ability to see how it did. 200+ damage is pretty solid, too, though I think it's still an ability I'd only really use against enemies that don't take physical damage.
This boss goes down without much difficulty. I even wound up killing her with ELE EXTRACT for a cool 50 Water elements.

Oh, well I guess it's a good thing we recruited you, then.

Oh yeah, I remember the Gust Sphere! That's what that fairy guy gave us after we completed the Puni God quest.

Our next miniboss is also not especially dangerous, although she does come with a dragon buddy that you'll want to off pretty fast. Again, physical damage is not allowed. She likes to hit multiple characters and inflict paralysis, but overall she's not that dangerous.

Nuthin' to it.

The third one requires the Flame Sphere we found in Ka Luda's Playground...

This lady is probably the most difficult of the elemental guardians. She just seems to take much less damage than the others did, and she also has more alarming damage output.

Remember Tera Flame? That's an attack I was hoping wouldn't show up again.

The other cool thing about Marietta is that, while she's not quite as effective a healer as Klein, she can still keep on top of healing enough that he can spend more turns buffing or even attacking. Since he's the only character who ever seemed to do any meaningful damage to this boss, I found myself relying mostly on Marietta for survival.
I also threw Veola's ??? Bread at this boss for fun. It technically counts as physical damage so it didn't work.

And now we're, uh, screwed. Hmm. Let's leave and see what happens.

Eh...I guess that is more or less how we found these other ones. Okay, let's check out Duran again.

fade out/in

This game is so delightfully self-aware.

Hmm. We haven't been there in quite a while. I suppose we could have missed something what with all the bandit killing. Let's check it out!

Music: Popcorn Strategy

The kngihts mill around for a few moments, and then...

We do? I don't think it really matters if Beggur knows anything about it or not. Well, anyway, our team rushes into the fort.

I can't decide if I'm pleased or sort of sad that not even Klein takes Beggur seriously anymore.

Music: Bullfight
Once again, the fight is pretty trivial. Marietta is pretty good at wrecking her brother.

Beggur has a charge attack, but I was able to interrupt it every time. I like all the stuff that managed to happen just from this one attack.
...honestly, I only included these last couple screenshots to make the battle seem long and important enough to be worth linking Bullfight.

Less predictably, this is the moment where everything starts shaking.

Well that was all very weird. Also, the fortress doesn't actually collapse. I don't really know what any of that was all about.
Back to the tower!

This fight is...a moderate challenge, but not as bad as the fire one. Norn and Marietta do huge damage to her Phantom buddies (she also had a Supreme Wolf Ally but Lita kicked it to death) so it's easy to kill off her support pretty quick.

By herself, she's just another jerk who likes to do damage to multiple characters but isn't really a major threat.

I donnu, Delsus, this honestly hasn't been that bad. I mean, the minibosses could be less annoying I guess, but I've done worse.

The next floor has a mystery level, complete with a Groovecube, making this journey worth it.

This thing is sort of a jerk to make. It takes Light and Holy, and I can't have Eital transformed and untransformed at the same time so I used Uru for Light instead. Oh well, I made nine anyway. Here's hoping it's crazy strong at least.

The screen darkens...

Music: Duke of Stratosphere

This is the boss of the Tower of Marcus, Quetzalcoatl. Speaking as someone who grew up seeing Quetzalcoatl as an electric bird, this is sort of a strange interpretation of him. He doesn't have much defense, and unlike Prism he can't heal himself, so our damage output against him isn't much of an issue.

Unfortunately for us, his many hands aren't just there for show. His standard attack launches all of them at one character. It's...actually not THAT powerful, really. It can do a good 120-150 damage to Klein, but Marietta can just about keep up with that, as can Klein himself. It does more in the ballpark of 100 to Delsus, Lita, and Marietta, which is perfectly manageable.

But Quetzalcoatl does have one very dangerous ability...

Towznetkarz (what the fuck) inflict poison and curse. Poison you're all familiar with, but curse...curse is pretty bad. It prevents the afflicted character from recovering HP.
Fortunately, it seems to wear off after a few turns, and as I said, Quezzie's own attack power is middling, but it's still a dickish status effect, especially in conjunction with the status that damages HP every turn.

I had Klein try a Heaven Geode. Turns out those don't work on enemies that aren't explicitly evil or something.

Then Klein died because he's made of paper and can't heal.
So I thought, you know what? Let's have another damage race.

And, worked out just fine. Quezzie also has an ability that he charges up called Null Sphere, but it's relatively easy to interrupt so he never got to use it. He also can use a variant of his standard attack that randomly distributes hits but isn't really any stronger. Meanwhile, Delsus was popping Flare Shots for like 300+damage a turn, Norn could Shrink it for 200 or so, and Marietta could do about 200 with standard attacks, while Lita did less damage but got more attacks overall.

I was kind of worried about this fight, but he didn't give me much grief this time. Good night, Quetzalcoatl.

Indeed. See you all next time!